Keynote Speakers

Professor Linda Graham

Professor Linda Graham is Director of The Centre for Inclusive Education at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Linda specialises in research involving students who experience learning and behavioural difficulties. She has published more than 90 books, chapters and journal articles, including Inclusive Education in the 21st Century published in 2020 by Routledge, and has led several large-scale multidisciplinary projects funded by the Australian Research Council. She recently chaired the Inquiry into Suspension, Exclusion and Expulsion processes in South Australian government schools and tweets @drlindagraham

Haley Tancredi

Haley Tancredi is an educational speech pathologist with over 15 years experience in schools in NSW and QLD. Haley is also a PhD candidate on the Accessible Assessment ARC Linkage project at QUT, where she is investigating the impact of teachers’ use of accessible pedagogies on the classroom experiences, engagement and learning outcomes of students with language and attentional difficulties. Her previous research investigated the impact of education adjustments for students with language difficulties, where students were consulted and had a voice in the adjustments that were designed and implemented. She tweets from @HaleyTanc 

Dr Bree Jimenez

Bree A Jimenez is an Associate Professor of Special Education at the University of Texas at Arlington and Honorary Research Associate in at the University of Sydney. Her research and teaching focus on general curriculum access and assessment for students with intellectual disabilities and autism. Specifically, Dr. Jimenez’ research focuses on maths, science, and STEM instruction for students with extensive support needs. 

She is the author/co-author of over 20 peer-reviewed journals articles, multiple book chapters, and five books on strategies to support academics for students with disabilities. She works closely with teachers, school leaders, systems and state departments of education both nationally and internationally.

Jim Good
Jim Good lives in the NSW Southern Highlands with his wife Melinda, and their five children. Two of their children have Fragile X syndrome. Three of their children are triplets. Jim has taught in a number of schools over a thirty-year teaching career, including Mater Dei in Camden and Narbethong State Special School in Brisbane. He is currently employed at Moss Vale High School. Jim also has a Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane where he has read, studied and researched extensively in the area of intellectual impairment and theology. Jim has co-written a book called Sustaining Hope: Friendships and Intellectual Impairment. The book is being published in the coming months and explores how people of all abilities can journey together in friendship.

Important Dates
Registrations OpenOpen

Completing the DISruptABILITY Conference will contribute 8 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Students/children with Disability addressing standard descriptors 1.6.2, 1.5.2 and 7.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Co-Sponsors & Partners

Host Organisation


Encanta Event Management have been appointed as the Event Managers for DISruptABILITY 2021 and can be contacted for any queries relating to the conference:

Encanta Event Management
P: +61 8 9389 1488