Your Invitation

On behalf of the Catholic Secondary Principals Australia (CaSPA) I extend a warm invitation to our National Conference, from 14-16 July 2024 at Crown, Perth. 

This year’s conference will be hosted by CSPA WA and provides an opportunity to reconnect, reimagine and dream the future of Catholic education together as we meet in Boorloo, Perth, our capital city. 

We acknowledge the Whadjuk people, the Traditional Custodians of this Land where we will hold the conference - people who have loved and cared for this Land for thousands of years.  It is the perfect location for this gathering and conversations around the future.

The journey to shaping the future of Catholic education is ongoing. Grounded in our faith, the conference will provide further opportunities to examine innovation, imagination, and collaboration. Together, we will delve into visionary ideas and innovative strategies that will shape the future of Catholic education, ensuring it remains an educational platform of hope and strength for generations to come.

The two-day program will include three keynote speakers, student panels, sessional presentations and workshops. Themes will range from innovation and adaption, inclusivity and diversity, faith integration and community engagement. You will have a choice of school visits where you will be hosted by the Principal and have a chance to see Catholic education at work in Western Australia.

Being engaged in thought-provoking discussions and sharing the experience, expertise, and perspectives within this collegial environment and the beautiful surrounds of Perth, is sure to be a rich learning experience.

Let us continue to dream boldly, envisioning a future where Catholic education continues to instill true Gospel values and inspiration and purpose in the hearts and minds of our students.

We invite you to Boorloo, to dream the future of Catholic education, in this journey of connection and discovery.

John Bormolini


National Conference Organising Committee


Key Dates

Call for Abstract Closed
Registration Open14 February 2024
Notification of Abstract Acceptance
Early Bird Discounts Closes             
March 2024

6 May 2024 

Unity Painting

CaSPA is delighted to share that we've received a specially commissioned painting from Dr. Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann, who resides in the serene Daly River region of the Northern Territory.

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